Mr. Sissoko holds a Master's degree in Public Health from the University of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, and a Doctorate in Pharmacy and Odontostomology from the University of Bamako, Mali. He currently works at the Malaria Research Center in Mali. He is the author of several scientific publications.

Holder of a State Doctorate in Medicine (1995) and a University Diploma in Malaria (1998) at the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mali, a Master of Sciences in Public Health (Biostatistics) at Tulane University (Louisiana, United States of America) in 2003 and a PhD degree in Clinical Research - Public Health at Aix-Marseille University, France in 2017, Sissoko is a Master of Research in Public Health.
Deputy Director and Senior Researcher at MRTC - Parasito, he works in clinical research for the development of malaria vaccine candidates and drugs against malaria and other parasitic diseases.
Sissoko teaches Biostatistics, Research Methodology, Epidemiology, Principles of Clinical Trials and the Routine Health Information System (RHIS) at the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine and Odonto-Stomatology / University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Mali.
He is the author of 37 scientific publications.